Left to right: Triveni Institute Founder and President Jordan Parker, IL Speaker of the House Representative Chris Welch, Triveni Institute Board Member Amber Dominguez, DNC Chair Minyon Moore, Triveni Institute Board Member Deanna Muran-de Assereto  

Triveni Institute’s executive director, Jordan Parker, was honored at Women in Power on March 1st, 2024 for their work with Triveni Institute! 

We are beyond thrilled with the opportunity to participate in such a wonderful event, and so grateful to Dems for the IL House for this recognition of our work. 

The Human Experience: Unfiltered. Fashion, Mental Health, and the State of Our Planet.

Welcome to the ShadowBall.

From the creators of Trashion Revolution (May 2023), Triveni Institute is thrilled to announce the first-annual ShadowBall: an event that will break new ground in the conversation about mental health and the state of our planet. Triveni Institute, a Chicago-based nonprofit / 501(c)3, is working to change the narrative about our climate and environment by creating events that center the human experience. Humans are the cause of waste and pollution that is decimating the planet, and we are also the solution. When we center the human experience in solution-minded approaches to major problems – without blaming and shaming – we can change hearts and minds. And that can lead to policy change on a systems level.

The stories we are telling at ShadowBall are human realities: stories that speak to addiction, depression, anxiety, intergenerational trauma, systemic racism, gender dysphoria, the gender binary, eating disorders, aging, the negative consequences of social media and chronic illness – among others. These stories are personal to us – because they are similar to our own or the people we know – yet we feel overwhelming pressure to repress these parts of ourselves: to shame them, deny them, and keep them in the shadows, buried deep in our subconscious minds. Carl Jung, a psychologist who coined the term “Shadow Self” said, “Everyone carries a shadow, and the less it is embodied in the individual’s conscious life, the blacker and denser it is.” “Psychology and Religion” (1938). In CW 11: Psychology and Religion: West and East. P.131

ShadowBall will consist of three main segments. First, we will open with a runway show consisting of “shadow looks” created specifically for this event or recreated from Trashion Revolution looks by our Trashion Revolution designers. These “live models” will then disperse in the venue and be part of the “ball.” Second, we will welcome our featured designer Scottie Rae Eskelund (they/them) to the runway along with 11 additional models, who will emotionally and physically embody our marquee show of the evening. Raw and provocative, Scottie will delve into the depths of human subconscious shadows in a performance that will provoke thought, empathy and deep reflection on the human experience. For more specific information plus trigger warnings for Scottie’s segment of ShadowBall check them out on Instagram @scottie.bydesign. (See artist statement and bio below)

Lastly, we will open up the runway to anyone in the venue (yes, that’s you!) who would like to walk the runway as a way to “show more of yourself to the world” and to literally shine a light on your shadows. Whatever this means to you, you are invited to walk the runway to a crowd of cheering people who want you to be “you.” *Walking the runway is most definitely NOT a requirement for attending the event – only an option for those who wish to participate.

So if you might walk the runway, what will you wear? “Shadow Attire” is encouraged. That means whatever you want it to mean. Wear what you dress up in at home but have never felt comfortable wearing in public. Wear a goth-inspired look that creates a character out of your shadow. Wear diamonds. Wear flannel. Wear your mother’s wedding dress. Go full glam because you want to make a Hollywood entrance. Wear stretch pants and a hoodie because that’s what you’re most comfortable in, and you know that you’re not going to make it out on a cold January evening if you have to “get ready.” Just come. Come as you are.

Come. As. You. ARE.

This will be an event like no other. We will go on an emotional journey together, which will end in a place of radical acceptance. We would love for you – and your shadow – to join us.

Note: since this is a more intimate event than Trashion Revolution with a smaller runway, all First Row / VIP tickets are currently reserved for sponsors of this event. If you’re interested in sponsoring ShadowBall, please email jordan@triveniinstitute.org. Thank you!

Designer: Scottie Rae Eskelund
Model: Bri Pearson
Photographer: Alex Callejo

Thank You to Everyone Who Made Trashion Revolution a Spectacular Event!

Welcome to TRASHION REVOLUTION, a community activation event using fashion as a medium of expression and representation to raise awareness of environmental and social justice issues. Chicago’s first-annual “trashion” show featuring looks made from single-use plastic pollution was held SATURDAY, MAY 20th, 2023, 5-11pm at Macy’s on State.  We sold out of our former venue – The Chicago Fair Trade Museum  – and were thrilled to bring Trashion Revolution to another  sold-out crowd at Macy’s, right in the heart of Chicago’s Loop at the iconic former Marshall Fields building! 


All of the world’s plastic has been created in the past several decades. And in that time humans have managed to pollute every corner of our biosphere with this material that persists for thousands of years, breaking down into tiny microplastics and nanoplastics in the process, chemically contaminating our bodies with toxins and PFAS (pronounced “pee-fass”) or “forever chemicals.” 97% of human bodies have these chemicals in them, and humans consume an average of a credit card of plastic every week. In addition to the myriad threats to human health, single-use plastic is causing our dwindling wildlife to suffer and die heinous deaths. Plastic production fuels climate change, and the production, consumption and disposal of it disproportionately harms BIPOC and low-income communities.

We had 36 designers on board for Trashion Revolution who designed looks primarily made from single-use, disposable, post-consumer plastic trash. We cast 50 models, and our models represented humanity – because humanity is affected by the urgent issues of climate change and plastic pollution, and within humanity lie the solutions. Of our models, 64% identified as BIPOC and 40% identified as trans and nonbinary (TNB). Our models also represented age diversity – our youngest model was 15 and our oldest was 79 – as well as body diversity. We had two ASL interpreters at the event and an extensive accessible seating section.


6 years ago Chicago passed the Checkout Bag Tax, an effort environmentalists supported as a method to increase consumer awareness and encourage reusable bag use. In that time the tax has generated over $50 million in revenue, and Chicagoans have grown complacent. Chicagoans use and dispose of single-use bags – most of them plastic – at a rate of 309 bags a minute.  It’s time to get plastic out of our world and out of our bodies. Trashion Revolution will bring awareness to these grave environmental issues while advocating for racial justice and spreading the knowledge that gender is a social construct. Few issues can be solved in a vacuum, and Trashion Revolution’s goal is to inspire people to take care of themselves, inspire people to take care of each other and our planet, and inspire people to act. Action begets hope. 

Trashion Revolution was also a competition. We had a panel of 4 judges – Cesar Rolon, Iyana Simba, Eddy Padro and Jenny Kendler – who awarded $2900 in prize money for the top 5 designs: 1st place $1000, 2nd place $500, 3rd place $400, 4th place $300, and 5th place $200. We also awarded $100 to five designers in the Honorable Mention category. 

Trashion Revolution welcomed Precious Brady-Davis as our MC and DJ Phreaky Bionik. 



~ To create paying jobs for grassroots campaigns and projects that have a foundational theme of environmental health, with intersectional elements of mental health and/or physical health

~ To support campaigns and projects that fall into one or more of the following three categories: Plastic Pollution and Waste, Environmental and Social Justice, and Storytelling & the Arts

~ To be a driving force in the evolution of late-stage capitalism, and empower people of all backgrounds to engage in meaningful, necessary work that will protect the habitability of our planet


~ To create paying jobs for grassroots campaigns and projects that have a foundational theme of environmental health, with intersectional elements of mental health and/or physical health

~ To support campaigns and projects that fall into one or more of the following three categories: Plastic Pollution and Waste, Environmental and Social Justice, and Storytelling & the Arts

~ To be a driving force in the evolution of late-stage capitalism, and empower people of all backgrounds to engage in meaningful, necessary work that will protect the habitability of our planet


Despair is not a strategy. When we learn to hold both hope and grief, we will stay in motion. This is how we can keep going, in the face of so much suffering and loss. There is still beauty and life in the world, and it desperately needs you to stay engaged. There has never been a more critical time for life on this planet than NOW.

Stay in motion: not despite a broken heart, but because of it.

There are upsides to capitalism, but the current incarnation of it - which creates the uber-wealthy elite who have a net worth of billions - is a social and environmental failure. We need a new brand of capitalism, which incorporates properties of socialism.

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Announcing Bring Your Bag Chicago 2.0!

The $.07 Chicago Checkout Bag Tax went into effect nearly  six years ago, in February, 2017. This was the culmination of six years of organizing through the campaign Bring Your Bag Chicago. 

We are announcing the launch of Bring Your Bag Chicago 2.0! In 2023 we will be campaigning for a policy change from a straight tax model, where all single-use bags are taxed, to a BAN + TAX model: single-use plastic bags and thicker “reusable” plastic bags are banned, and paper bags are available for a fee of $.20 each.

Per a recent FOIA the Checkout Bag Tax generated over $6 million in August of 2022 alone. This is equivalent to previous years of revenue. We have some speculation as to the staggering increase in revenue to the city, but regardless of the reason, we believe that 1) The tax is no longer an effective deterrent to consumers and has lost its “teeth,” and 2) It’s time for the revenue to be designated for an environmental fund to support environmental justice causes in the city, not just simply go into a general fund (which it has been since its inception). 

We will be evaluating the city’s handling of the Checkout Bag Tax revenue over the past five years to ensure future transparency.

Officially launching in November, 2021, Triveni Institute produced our first event in July, 2022 for Plastic Free July. If you missed "Microplastics in Our Bodies: What's in Our Water and Why Does it Matter?" watch it here!


Triveni Institute was founded in Chicago, IL. All current statistics are Chicago-specific. Triveni Institute’s goal is to support, fund and launch 100 projects in the next ten years, nationwide. Be part of our community and join us! 

Projects Launched
Piece of Legislation Passed
Pounds of Dog Waste diverted from Landfills
People Now Using Reusable Bags

Triveni Institute is a 501(c)3 nonprofit. Meet our board of directors.

The team

Amber Dominguez

Board Member

Amber Dominguez (she/her) is a homeschooling mom of one, plant/ecology enthusiast, and passionate advocate for sustainable and regenerative practices in waste, water and place.

Currently studying Sustainability and Sustainable Ecosystems at ASU, she brings growing knowledge, unique perspectives and dedication to her role as a board member at Triveni Institute. 

With a background in wellness, and as the founding grassroots organizer of GRNworld Guardians, she is passionate about biophilia (which speaks to the human, nature and life nexus), environmental leadership and innovation. She is committed to creating more life-loving people, communities and places, for a more empowered and responsible future.

Jordan Parker

Founder and Director

Jordan Parker (they/them) wrote a paper titled Is Our Country Doomed to be Buried Beneath its Own Garbage? in high school (1990) about consumerism and waste. For three decades they worked primarily in physical and emotional labor, in restaurants, night clubs and gyms – the latter as a triathlon coach, personal trainer and fitness instructor – gaining unique insight into the concept of “work” and what is and isn’t considered valuable in late-stage capitalism.

Jordan graduated with a BA in Film Production, Gender and Sexuality Studies from the University of MN and traveled to six continents (before becoming aware of the massive carbon footprint of flying), which were pivotal experiences in the development of their worldview and value system. 

In late 2011, after seeing an alderperson announce an ordinance banning plastic bags, they volunteered for the campaign. That was the beginning of a crash course in the world of Chicago politics and grassroots activism, and also a return to their personal roots of caring about animals and the environment. Having over 12 years of experience in environmental advocacy, Jordan is thrilled to now be able to empower others to do meaningful work that has not been traditionally valued in our economic system. 

Jordan lives near Chinatown in Chicago with her blind-from-birth German Shepherd Tango, and his big brother/seeing-eye dog Juneau, a Shiloh Shepherd.

Deanna Muran-de Assereto

Board Member

Bio coming soon

Have An Idea?

 If you have an idea for a project or campaign, we’d love to hear from you.